What does the Orange mean?
First... we need to talk about maps...
Maps are used for tools of navigation. The most well known map is the Mercator map first presented in 1569. Often, the maps we see today were made for the purpose of western colonialism and trade. While seemingly, the mercator map is neutral, a closer look reveals that it is far from the truth. The size of "western" countries, that is european and north american countries are inflated while those that are "south" or "eastern" are smaller. North, South, West, East are arbitrary directions that we have assigned to our world. North does not necessairly compute to "upwards", yet it is the chosen position. Coincidentally, the occident is at the very top where our eyes first land. Our brains, because we are taught bigger is more important and top to bottom implies a hierarchy, apply that to the logic of the map.
Another flaw of the mercator map (or, a lot of the popular renditions of maps in general,) is that the traces of many Indigenous populations connections to their lands are erased. Many names used by the original inhabitants for certain places are rarely to be seen on the map. This also goes for the indigenously known territory lines--they are replaced with the ones settlers have defined.
There are many alternatives to the mercator map. Some styles of map making are location specific and none are as prominent. The Goode homolosine map is commonly known as the orange peel map. It may not be the one we hail as the "truth", but it certainly is a truth and a way of looking at the world. Who defines usefulness?
This is the approach I look at when I read fortunes. An orange is a representation of the world. When it is peeled, the peeler's experience of the world is revealed. There are infinite ways an orange can be peeled--infinite truths. With the email format, you are instructed to take a picture of your peel to me. Your camera lens gives me your perspective
Many factors come into play when peeling an orange. It can never be truly bias-free. It is a product of yourself, after all. This also means I cannot fully unlock the meaning of your peel for you because I am not you. I can only point you towards the direction of where to go, but I do it with sincerity.
Email OrangeOracle@yahoo.com for your reading.